How Nurture Mums can help you and your little one

As a doula, I'm trained in postpartum adjustment, newborn care, breastfeeding support, and parent-infant bonding. A postpartum doula provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. This might involve acting as a listening ear, talking through a birth story, cooking a meal, and nurturing the family in whichever way they need.

As a newborn care specialist, my focus is on the complete care of your baby in the first 12 weeks of life. Newborn care specialists do not take on any duties aside from caring for a newborn and educating new parents. Duties include changing diapers, bathing, umbilical care, circumcision care, bottle, and formula feeding, maintaining a thorough log of infant feeding and sleep patterns, soothing techniques, healthy sleep associations, and assistance with twins.